Locator Overdenture CDT Coding & Alternative Systems [2023 Update]

LOCATOR Coding Crash Course
ADA Coding for LOCATOR Attachment System

D6191 - Semi-Precision Abutment – Placement  (LOCATOR Male)


D6192 - Semi-Precision Attachment – Placement (LOCATOR “Cap" Female)


D6091 - Replacement of replaceable part of semi-precision or precision attachment

(Nylon ring pictured in Dark Blue)

This is the nylon retention insert (“donut”) that you would replace every 6-18 months at recare and maintenance visits.


Alternative Attachments to Locator

Locator - Original



Blue Sky Bio (Super Snap) - No metal housing

Multi-unit Angled attachment - Zest

Multi-unit Angled attachment - DESS

The most predictable way to use locators is chairside retrofit (hard reline) pickup, however close tray caps for lab processing are available - see image below.


The best way to learn more about Locator techniques is the LearnLOCATOR YouTube channel.

Implant-Supported Overdenture

Implant overdentures are a type of denture that is supported by dental implants, rather than relying on the gums and jawbone for support. They are a good option for people who have lost most or all of their natural teeth and want a more stable and secure alternative to traditional dentures.

One of the main benefits of implant overdentures is that they are more comfortable and secure than traditional dentures. Traditional dentures can sometimes slip or move around in the mouth, causing discomfort and difficulty speaking or eating. In contrast, implant overdentures are held firmly in place by the dental implants, making them much more stable and comfortable to wear.

Another advantage of implant overdentures is that they can help to preserve the jawbone and prevent bone loss. When natural teeth are lost, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation from chewing. Dental implants, on the other hand, provide the necessary stimulation to the jawbone, helping to preserve it and prevent bone loss.

Overall, implant overdentures are a good option for people who want a more stable and secure alternative to traditional dentures. If you are considering getting a denture, it is worth discussing the option of an implant overdenture with your dentist to see if it is right for you.


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