We are a leading CEREC provider in San Diego. CEREC offers the versatility of ceramic flexural strength and beautiful life-like aesthetics.


Each restoration is custom designed by the doctor and manufactured in our office using CAD/CAM technology, ensuring quality control and aesthetics.


Ceramic restorations offer a great way to provide natural results that emulate form and function.

*Actual Patient

*Actual Patient

How Long Do Crowns Last?

CEREC dental crowns, also known as caps, are a common restorative dental procedure used to cover and protect a damaged or decayed tooth. The lifespan of a dental crown can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of crown used (porcelain, metal, etc.), the location of the tooth in the mouth, and the oral hygiene of the patient. On average, dental crowns can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years, with some crowns lasting even longer with proper care. However, it's not uncommon for a crown to need replacement or re-cementing before the end of its expected lifespan. Regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene can help prolong the life of a dental crown.

Benefits of CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Wondering why you should consider same-day CEREC crowns? There are several benefits to choosing same-day treatment with CEREC. 

Get treatment in just one day, not weeks – Traditional crowns require you to come in for at least 2 appointments over a period of 2-3 weeks. This is because your dentist has to take impressions of your teeth and send them to a lab, where your crown will be made. CEREC, on the other hand, requires just a single 2-hour appointment. Once your appointment is over, your restoration will be completed.

Takes less time out of your schedule – Work, kids, and other commitments can make it hard to schedule even one dental appointment, let alone two. CEREC lets you get the care you need in just a single session, making it easier to fit your dental treatment into your schedule.

No need for a sensitive temporary crown – With traditional crowns, you must wear a temporary acrylic crown while you wait for your permanent crown to be made. These temporary crowns are usually not sealed as well and can become sensitive. Additionally, you often times need to be numbed at the crown placement appointment. With CEREC, there is no temporary crown. Your permanent restoration will be placed the same day!

Eliminates the need for uncomfortable dental impressions – Traditional dental impressions use a special material to create a mold of your teeth. Many patients, particularly those with strong gag reflexes, find this process to be uncomfortable. CEREC uses a digital, 3D scanning wand to capture images of your teeth - replacing the need for a physical impression! 

Is CEREC Right for You? 

CEREC is a great choice for you if you live a busy lifestyle, and find it hard to take time out of your day to visit the dentist for a traditional dental crown. It offers fast results, and lets you restore your tooth in a single appointment. However, CEREC may not be right for everyone. Under certain circumstances and clinical situations, lab-fabricated crowns be indicated. For these instances, we work intimately with high-end ceramists that will ensure the casework is completed with the quality and care that it deserves.

Why Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are often used to protect weak or vulnerable teeth from further damage, restore the structure of the tooth, or enhance the cosmetic appearance of teeth. Dental crowns are often placed after root canal treatments in the rear molars because these teeth are in a weakened state and must be able to withstand significant chewing forces. 

They can also be used to support a dental bridge or dental implant, restore a broken or chipped tooth, cover a large filling, or cover worn-down enamel. As you can see, dental crowns offer both restorative and cosmetic solutions. They are usually placed after a patient has suffered from tooth decay or dental trauma.

Does It Hurt to Get a Dental Crown?

The dental crown procedure should not be painful. Before any of the tooth is prepared, we will place a local anesthetic to completely numb your mouth. You will not feel any pain during the preparation of your tooth or placement of the CEREC crown and your mouth will remain numb for hours after your appointment. 

Once the anesthetic wears off, you may feel some mild tenderness or sensitivity in the tooth that received the crown over the next few days. This is normal and you’re experiencing the residual effects from the procedure now that your mouth is no longer numb. Sensitivity or discomfort for a few days after the procedure, but can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

In rare cases, pain that persists when you bite down could be a result of a crown that has been placed too high above the gumline. You should tell us right away if your bite does not feel right so we can make any necessary adjustments.

How Do I Care for My New Crown?

After receiving a dental crown, you should care for it just like you would with your natural teeth. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing is important to remove plaque buildup. 

Protect your crowns from damage by wearing a mouthguard when you sleep if you grind your teeth. Likewise, avoid other forms of wear and tear like using your teeth to open packages, biting on your nails, or chewing on ice. 

Excessively hard and sticky foods should be avoided in general because these can dislodge or wear down your dental crowns. Crowns can also stain just like real teeth. It’s important to consume staining foods and drinks in moderation, trying to avoid them as much as possible. Avoid smoking and attend regular dental cleanings to remove surface stains and plaque.