COVID-19 Office Updates



Our Team is taking extra precautions to keep you safe!


Not only are we following all CDC and ADA guidelines, but we’ve taken the following additional measures to ensure the health and wellness of our awesome patients:


•COVID-19 Screenings

•Non-Contact temperature Readings


•Medical-grade H13 HEPA filtration

•Closed-Door Dental Operatories

•Atomized Non-Toxic Hypochlorous disinfection

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•Simplified mobile Patient check-in

•social distancing Practices
(e.g. no handshakes or high-fives)

•Plexiglass barriers at front desk


•In-Office Laundry Service for Team Uniforms

•Additional CDC-Approved P.P.E.


•Frequent disinfection of common areas and high-use surfaces (e.g. doorknobs)

Standard protocols we already perform
and will continue to follow:


•Medical-grade disinfection Products Proven effective against SARS-CoV-2


•Ultrasonic/autoclavE of Instruments

•Weekly biologic Spore testing


•Universal precaution infection control

Looking Forward

In addition to adhering to all CDC, ADA, and OSHA standards, we will take measures to ensure social distancing can be respected in our practice so that all patients feel comfortable receiving care. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office for more information. We’re can’t wait to reopen and start seeing our awesome patients!

-The Harbor Team